Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthcare. Show all posts

Monday, December 23

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Without Starving


Great tips that will leave you satisfied and slimmer..

Bacon, With a Side of Superbugs?


Every year, farm animals swallow an estimated 30 million pounds of antibiotics before we swallow them.

Sunday, December 22

Drink Up! Why Water is Good for You

Water has countless benefits for our body. Lets shares some of the typical ones.

Colchester hospital accused of serious failings with cancer care

Essex trust medical director accepts NHS England report identifying diagnosis and treatment delays and 'unsafe records'.

Tobacco's ugly truth must be uncovered

In Australia, 15,000 people die a year due to tobacco use. The fight has not been won yet, but our plain packaging policy works and should be defended.

Friday, December 20

Best celebrities summer bodies.. (Part 3)

Wouchh.. let's check it out the most best celebrities bodies around the world. Let countdown 25 celebrities in this part 3.

How the Holidays Can Make You Sick

Don't wind up at the doctor's office because of parties, travel, and gift shopping.

Must know what Secret Gifting Tricks

Sneaky ways to win the holidays.

Hopefully you’ve perfected your creasing and folding technique. People value nicely-wrapped gifts more than poorly-prepped presents—even if the box contains the same thing.

The Heart Risk You May Not Know You Have

Your brain and your body are more connected than you think. Here's how mental distress could take a toll on your ticker.

Wednesday, December 18

What Happens in the Brain After a Concussion

A remarkable recent experiment allowed scientists to see inside the skull and brain of animals that had just experienced a concussion, providing sobering new evidence of how damaging even minor brain impacts can be.

Tuesday, December 17

5 Superfoods for Superhuman Strength

Superfoods is a buzzword that has been floating around most nutrition advice columns, and with good reason.

Tuesday, December 3

Eggs On The Go!

In the past few years, fast-food purveyors from Burger King to Chick-fil-A have updated their breakfast menus with new sandwiches.

5 Weird Things Fast Food Does to Your Brain

Here’s one way to get cultured: kick your McDonald’s habit. Exposure to fast food makes it harder to appreciate beautiful art and music.

Friday, November 29

Jom 'Periksa jantung percuma'


Seramai 70 ahli Briged Sukarelawan Media Prima-NSTP dan kakitangan Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) menyertai siri jelajah kelima promosi kempen ‘Sayangi Jantung Anda’ selama dua hari di Rompin, Pahang, bermula hari ini.

Thursday, November 28

7 wonder Crazy Fitness Rules That Should Exist

Walk into any subway station in Moscow, Russia, and you might think you accidentally stepped into a gym. That's because city officials are now offering free rides to passengers who can crank out 30 reps of body-weight squats.

Tuesday, November 26

Take NUTS as more as you can PLEASE!


Healthy Nuts
Go nuts! It could save your life. People who eat a handful of nuts daily are 20 percent less likely to die than those who skip the snack.

Sunday, November 24

The Most easiest Way to keep Slim


Constantly texting usually receives a bad rap, but it turns out , those mobile messages might help you keep weight off.

The Ultimate Total-Body Move

The half Turkish getup might fall into the category of "core exercise," but it's far from an isolation move. "It works everything your shoulders, hips, back, core, arms, and so many other muscles you never even think of," says Robert dos Remedios, C.S.C.S., head strength and conditioning coach for California's College of the Canyons. "It's about as complete a full-body exercise as you'll find." That also makes it more complex than other moves with narrower target areas. Follow these tips to pull off this comprehensive muscle-builder with perfect form.

Friday, November 22

All Fact about Your Metabolism


What is Metabolism that you know?
People talk about their metabolism a lot. You'd think they actually understand it. But often that's not the case. Here are 4 things you should know about the M-word.